Hello, my name is
Data Analyst
- lyes.bouali@hetic.net

About me
I am a data analyst based in Paris, interested in Data Visualization & Machine Learning. I am also good at coding in several languages.
Design dashboards and code algorithms
Mainly interested in data visualization and data analysis using tools such as Tableau Software and MS Power BI. I use Excel and VBA. I code using Python and Java.
Data Analysis
Tableau Software, MS Power BI, Excel & VBA
Python & Java
Data Prep/ETL Tools
Since Feb 2023
data Manager at Alten
The main task undertaken during this assaignment was part of the data governance strategy aimed by the compagny. In particular, I had the task of creating and maintaining Power BI reports in order to control the migration of data to a new set of tools (such as Salesforce ..etc). The controles ensure the monituring of the data quality such as detection of duplicates, missing data and coherences between different data sets/tables. Power BI components such as Power Query & M langage, Power Pivot & DAX and Power BI Services were used.
Feb to Aug 2021
Campus Langues
English Intensive Student program
Study of general English language and culture through a comprehensive course including grammar, vocabulary, oral and written comprehension, audio-phonology, culture and literature workshops, and training for the Cambridge English exams.
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